The Forsaken

The Forsaken is the most recent project that I have taken on. The Forsaken is a novelization of a story that has been in my head for a few years now, but I've waited to truly tackle the story out of fear for my own sanity in a sense.

The Forsaken is a story that unifies reality and fiction in the hope that the darkness doesn't prevail.


Control was, and still is, something that holds a great deal of personal importance as it was the first real story I ever attempted to develop.

Control is a story that has evolved over the last decade as I started writing it while I was in a creative writing course in High School.

Raising titans

Raising Titans is a pet project of mine that I have been working through. It's something completely different than I have ever attempted. It's a story that carries the deepest parts of my heart and is a very personal journey of my adventure into fatherhood.

Raising Titans is a story of Faith, hope and family.