Revival of the Fittest

This past week in a men’s bible study that I attend, we were talking about revival. It was kindof spurred by what recently had been happening in Asbury University when an alter call led to a 2 week worship experience where tens of thousands of people disrupted the entire city to experience something unprecedented; a revival. So we started talking about what revival meant and what imagery we thought of - and as I sat there listening and letting the word kinda ruminate inside me, I was getting stuck on the definition -

revival: an improvement in the condition of strength of something. - an instance of something becoming active, or important again.

As the men in my small group were talking, the initial thoughts were of reviving (like back to life) - then we started looking at Nehemiah and the story of the people of Israel were returning to Jerusalem after years of exile in captivity - all because they disobeyed and God stuck to his word and they spent 70 years away from Him essentially. Although he always knew them and watched them, they had to go through the lowest of lows to get to the point that they’re at in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. They’ve rebuilt the temple and the city walls. They’ve started trying to restore the ministry of the priests under the leadership of Ezra. Then in Nehemiah the story comes to fruition with revival. In Nehemiah 8:5-8 we read:

Ezra stood on the platform in full view of all the people. When they saw him open the book, they all rose to their feet. Then Ezra praised the Lord, the great God, and all the people chanted, “Amen! Amen!” as they lifted their hands. Then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. The Levites—Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, and Pelaiah—then instructed the people in the Law while everyone remained in their places. They read from the Book of the Law of God and clearly explained the meaning of what was being read, helping the people understand each passage.

So Ezra led his people through a revival. The people that he was speaking to were generations out of the scripture being something that was written on their hearts. We’re talking 70 years in exile, thinking that God had left them completely. These people were coming into this teaching with wide eyes. The people who chanted “Amen! Amen” were likely hearing the words from the Book of the Law and the Holy Spirit was inciting something deep in their souls that reminded them just what it meant to be His children. This moment of revival for the people of Israel was a collective experience (much like in Asbury) - the fact that they were all-together was pivotal for the Holy Spirit to work in them…. And this is where my brain took over and I started to wander and wonder about my revival moments… so let me take you back…

Sometimes I forget just how much my soul craves interpersonal connection. I’ve always naturally been more introverted and shy unless I’m around people that I feel safe with or I’m in my comfort zone. Oftentimes it takes me quite a while to work up to a place where I feel safe. I was into my sophmore year of high school before I felt like I had a safe place, where I could be, well, me. My mom and I had just switched churches after an invitation from someone that my mom worked with. We went one Sunday morning, and then the next, and the one after that and we both felt like it was just right for us. My mom wanted me to be involved with the youth program, so she told me to go meet the youth pastor and ask where they met. I can still remember my apprehension, it was almost palpable. I had a rock in the bottom of my stomach just thinking about walking up to someone I didn’t know and asking them a question - but I did it, and my life dramatically changed after that moment.

I found the youth pastor, Betsy, and asked her about youth group. I’m sure I was staring at the ground afraid to make eye-contact when I asked, but her answer still sticks with me to this day even as benign as it was when she told me it was at her house and “I’m glad you’ll be coming tonight.” — I remember thinking afterwards, how is she glad? She doesn’t know me… So i went that night, and 2 of my best-friends from high school were there, and I could feel my nerves just wash away as I stepped into Betsy’s house. Her home became an instant safe place for me, and it was always a place where I could go if I ever needed anything; a kind word, a gentle hug, a long theological discussion, a moment of silence. Her home was where I first discovered that connecting with people was something that every person needed to survive life. It wasn’t just the fact that having friends and colleagues was something that would help you in life that made them important. It’s that these connections were pivotal to my faith growing - and that growth started in the moment. It was act of being surrounded by lost and searching people and being taught what the bible said that was the foundation of my faith. This is where I equate my life to that of the Isrealites before they were exiled for being disobedient. They were close to God, they knew His Word …. but they didn’t really know how magnificent he was - and neither did I.

Fast forward a year or so, and I had started to see Betsy and her husband Bill as honorary parents and mentors. I often went to either of them whenever I was struggling with something. Through them I was introduced to so many faith growing moments, and other people of strong faith. I always felt that Bill took me under his wing and tried to help fill the void I had with my actual dad - and he helped introduce me to the other men who had such profound impact on my life that I named all three of my sons after them. It’s been thanks to them that I had learned that growing your faith was all about the long game, it’s not something that would happen in a moment - but when those moments happen and your standing on top of the mountain wrapped in a spirit so warm and inviting - that’s when you soak it all in and burn that feeling into your heart and mind so you can strive to get to the next moment like it. These are the revival moments where you can feel it in the air.

My first revival moment was when I was a junior in high school. I participated in a lock-in with our youth group, where we fasted for 30 hours together and served in the community. After the 30 hours of fasting, we gathered in the church sanctuary and the pastor gave a quick message and we all partook in communion. Normally the seniors would act as the communion servers, but none had attended that year - so Betsy asked me to do it. I felt completely out of my comfort zone in that moment. Betsy told me the words I needed to say, so I just repeated them blankly as students walked through my line. But as I said the words, I started to feel something and there was this sensation building in me but I couldn’t name it: I was anxious, I was tingly, I was happy, I was sad.

With each person that came through, I started to unconsciously speak the words with more passion and this sensation just kept growing inside me but I didn’t know what to do with it. Once we finished serving communion, I returned my trays and walked up to Betsy with tears welling up and this overwhelming feeling just churning in my gut and I truly believe that the Holy Spirit was whispering to her to as she looked at me and said:

He loves you Matthew. He gave his life just for you, and will always pursue you.

I lost it…. I went and sat back down in the pew, completely wrecked on the inside. I was ugly crying and Bill came up behind me and simply laid his hand on my shoulder. I was surrounded in that moment. I was on the highest mountain looking out at a cloudless sky. I was floating in the calmest ocean. I was dancing in a warm spring rain. I was watching as lightning crackled across the sky. I was, in that moment, in the midst of something awesome and overwhelming. I was in the middle of my own personal revival. Like the definition of revival states - an instance of something becoming active, OR important again - I was in a moment where my faith was active and overwhelming. It was suddenly stronger than it had ever been. It was real, and it was this moment that I wanted nothing more than to bask in Him.

Over the last decade or two, I’ve found myself in these moments again and again, when He is working in my heart to bring me to a deeper understanding and a closer walk with him. I’m by no means an expert in faith, nor do I have a faith so strong that I don’t waver. I don’t have a faith strong enough to move mountains - but I know that the revival moments in my life are the moments to hold onto and they help me realize that my story is still happening - I’m not at the end yet.

I feel like when we hear about a revival, we think that it’s this onetime thing. A revival happens, and then it’s done and everybody gets to just go back on with their lives, right? Truly, revival is something that should happen over and over again in your hearts as your faith grows. Going back to Nehemiah, the people celebrated for days, praising the Lord through it all. They followed the lead of the spirit and stepped into a deeper understanding of God - they came with reverence and awe. Their revival was their first step towards becoming obedient to God’s leadership again. They had spent so much time away from him that they needed to be reminded that he was in control and he wanted to lead them back to his love and mercy. But just because they had this experience in Nehemiah, doesn’t mean that they’re journey was done - it’s that they were recommitting to a life-long journey with God to know him and to honor him again and again, every day.

Finding a Legacy

Superheroes have been around longer than I've been alive. I was born in 1985 and I missed what many would call the 'glory days' of comics. I was born into a generation that missed the wave of comic-book popularity. My culture was swarmed by Saturday morning cartoons and the general rise of the video game console. I didn't really get into comic books until I was in middle school, and even then my introduction to comics was in a round-about sort of way.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Credit: Marvel Comics

In middle school, in the late '90s, I picked up my first comic book: Iron Fist Vol 2. That is when I first read about the hero who would become my hero for many years, and I've read all his books since then and tried to keep up with the other series that he's appeared in. But, for the most part the Iron Fist series' have been the staple of my comic book knowledge.

That in no way means that I'm unaware of the plights of the various other superheroes that Marvel and DC Comics have put out there, I'm just not devoted to learning about their lore or history, but that has not stopped me from trying to keep up with as many as I could: whether that's through web-surfing, comic skimming and even film watching. So as you can imagine I made my way through the, sometimes laughable, comic-based films that have launched over the years. Everything from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Blade, From Daredevil to Catwoman, from Barb Wire to Mystery Men. If it was based on a comic book, I watched it. The same goes for the various shows that have cropped up over the years: Gotham, Arrow, Smallville, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil and of course the recent Iron Fist. As you can imagine, I was incredibly excited about the announcement of my beloved Iron Fist arriving in a live action adaptation. After watching the series, even though the initial reactions were poor, I can say that his legacy in my mind remains untarnished.

That word has always stuck with me for some reason; legacy. As defined by Webster Dictionary, a legacy is:

Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor of from the past.

So a legacy can be nearly anything, but it all spurns from something that comes from the past; it's historical, it's legend, it's a feeling, an emotion, a memory - all of that and everything in between. The heroes that I love so much have such expansive histories that their legacy is carried in the pages of every comic book through their actions, their words and the heart that beats in their chest. It's that legacy of character that has always drawn me to Iron Fist over nearly every other hero from the comics or character from a story.

And as I approach the 1/3 century mark, the idea of my own legacy has started to fill the back of my mind. When my story is told, what will my legacy be? What will I be remembered for? What has my greater purpose in life been - or have I failed to leave a mark on the world around me? It's something that likely every person reading this has thought at some point. Did I make an impact on anything besides my own life?

Honestly, I'm not sure if I knew how to answer that question 10 years ago, heck 5 years ago for that matter. For the better part of my adolescent years and early adult life - I can admit that I lived my life to suit my own desires, my own whims and much of that was at the detriment to my friends, my family and my faith. I did my best to wear the mask of 'good, honest young man' but I was only fooling myself.

I cheated. I stole. I lied. I turned my back. I stabbed other in the back, and it was all for my own empowerment - in an effort to make myself feel better about my own life. If others were down at my level or below me then that meant that I was successful, because I was better than them. In my own conceited way, I was trying to make a legacy for myself: a legacy of appearing better than I thought of myself. The key thing to take away from that statement is:

"better than I thought of myself"

Because I had such a low opinion of myself, honestly still do, it was easier for me to feel that I needed to tear other people down rather than make the efforts to boost myself up or even surround myself with people who helped lift me up. And when I did surround myself with the people who only wanted to show me the man that they knew I could be - I pushed them away, because it hurt too much.

It's why the friends that I once had are but a shallow glimmer of a memory because I've distanced myself from them. It hurt too much to keep them close because by having them in my life it meant that I couldn't be self-deprecating. (which if you know me at all, you know that that is my go to emotional status quo) - In the last 10 years, I've lost more friends than I've kept, and I hope that some day they can forgive me in the hopes of mending the burned bridges someday - but I know that that is a long road to travel with some that I once considered the closest of friends.

Yet, it just goes to prove that through all of my life, I've been trying to create a legacy. I wanted my legacy to be one where people saw me in only the way that I wanted them to see me - instead of the broken man that I am more days than not.

So where was I going with this? - Well, in the last 5 years I've come across an epiphany of sorts as I stepped into the greatest adventure of my life.

In March of 2012 - I married the love of my life, without a doubt in my mind she is more than I deserve and I don't think I fully grasped the impact she had on me until we spoke our vows (which I convinced her I wanted in our ceremony -- she wasn't a fan, since you know I like to write). Anyways, when we got to the vows portion this is what I said to her:

I've dreamed of this day from the moment I met you. It's crazy to thing that it could have been love at first sight for me, but I knew that you were something special. And now I couldn't imagine spending another day without you. You truly are my soul-mate and my best friend. As we walk together into our new life, I promise you these things:

I will stand by your side through times of joy and times of sorrow. Offering my strength when you need me the most.

I will share my heart with you alone. Remaining faithful and true to the love that we share.

I will honor you as my wife. Treasuring every moment that we have and seeking only to grow closer through all the days of our life.

I will love you always, and I will be yours alone, 'till death do us part.

It was in that moment that I finally realized that there was someone in this life that meant more to me than my own ambitions and dreams. She was the woman that I wanted to serve and honor for the rest of my life. Even though I don't get it perfect every day, she loves me just the way I am; forgetful, slightly lazy, hopelessly romantic and rounder than I was 5 years ago - but she loves me all the same.

Then over the last 5 years I've had the joy of bringing two boys into the world with my wife, and seeing myself through their eyes has helped me understand just the kind of legacy that I've created. My life with my wife, and my love for our children has helped show me that I'm finally learning how to build bridges rather than burn them down. My heart has finally started to heal from my own past, and I'm starting to understand that this legacy that I'm building with my wife and children has a lot to do with experiencing what loss of friends, family and faith can do to a person - and that's something that I never want my family to go through because of me.

I don't have it all figured out, but step by step and day by day I'm making progress towards leaving the legacy that we all hope to leave one day.


Binge /binj/ (verb): To indulge in an activity, especially eating, to excess.

I remember so vividly spending my early and mid-twenties plastered to either a television screen or my computer for hours on end as I binge-watched episode after episode of one show or another. I can't even begin to list all the shows that I spent endless hours watching over the years between DVD's, Netflix, Hulu and wherever else I could find them. It has always been one of my favorite past times, because honestly there's just something satisfying about taking in an entire season of a show and not having to wait weeks between episodes to find the series' resolutions. Nobody want's to be left in the dark of a cliff-hanger, so bingeing season after season always seems to leave me with a sense of accomplishment. It's instant gratification at its finest, and I'm oddly alright with that being a large part of my college years.

But, now my life is unequivocally different than it was in my early twenties. I'm starting my thirties as a husband, a father of two boys, an overtime worker and a student. It's hectic, chaotic and completely insane in our house at times - but I wouldn't change a thing about it. Even though I come from a very mellow family (imagine The Brady Bunch meets Little House on The Prairie and you've got the gist of my extended family), I'm learning to adjust to the chaos - slowly; kind of. Yet that's what my wife is used to and she absolutely revels in it, she loves the busy, the chaos - it's comfortable for her and it's one of the things that I love about her because that's definitely not my comfort.

With all the chaos on a daily basis, it's been a long time since I even thought about bingeing. Literally anything. I watch an episode of a show here or there; mostly just to try to stay up to date on whatever show it is that I'm watching, which happen to be The OA, Supernatural & The Magicians currently at the top of my Netflix queue. Yet, I'm lucky if I get to watch one episode of one of these shows every couple days, normally when my alarm goes off at 4:45am and the rest of the house is sleeping (hopefully). I purposely set my alarm to wake me at ungodly times like that so I can find a bit of time to myself, and I usually wind up linking several things together during that time. Sometimes I'll watch a show on my iPad while I blog here or with Creators Media, other times I'll put an episode on the iPad and sit in front of the TV and catch up on the backlog of games I have for my Xbox or PlayStation. My mornings couldn't be considered a binge session by a long shot considering that I probably only get a half hour to an hour, tops. Yet it's the time that I have to indulge in the activities that satisfy my need to just shut everything off for a bit.

Except I started thinking about it over the last couple weeks when my youngest son has been waking up with me by 5:00AM. He's 15 months by the way; no normal 1 year old should be as awake at 5 in the morning as he is - yet he is. He's definitely my child in that sense. I've always been an early riser, and it looks like Travis is going to be just like me. At first it was frustrating that I was missing out on my time to shut my mind off and just get lost in a game or a show. Not that I didn't love my time with my child, but I felt like it wasn't fair that I never seemed to catch a break for a moment alone. I'd wake up with him, then wait for my wife to wake up, then head off to work and be on the phone all day, then come home for dinner, then play for a bit, then get everyone off to bed, then cuddle with my older son and watch Phineas & Ferb, then put him to bed, then watch a show with my wife and go to sleep myself. It felt as though there was no time for me to just enjoy being me, if that makes sense.

So as you can imagine, I had this chip on my shoulder if you'll afford me the allusion. I was carrying this, anger is a harsh word but yeah, I guess to a point I was angry that I had no time to relax. I kinda just pushed it away thinking that I'd just have to "deal with it." Then I had this revelation.

It happened one evening when I came home from an unusually stressful day at work, and I walked up to the back door and found an eagerly waiting 1 year old with his face smushed up against the slider glass door. He saw me step around the corner, into the light of the back porch and his eyes got wide and he spit his pacifier out with such a big smile. I could hear him squealing with delight and pounding on the glass slider door. I opened the door and he reached for me, so I lifted him up and he leaned in for a hug and patted my back, babbling the entire time.

It was one of those moments of just pure bliss that doesn't happen too often, and it just melted away all the tension I had. After I set him down he reached for my pinky finger and dragged me into the other room. As he was leading me around the house, I couldn't help but smile because it's almost as if he was taking me on a tour of everything he saw today. He wanted so much to just be near me, and show me his world that I finally realized something.

I realized that I'm not the only person who needed to binge. Travis, and for that matter Brycen, my 4 year old, both desperately wanted to binge me. Now that may sound like a weird phrasing, but it's true. They so desperately wanted to be around me that perhaps on a subconscious level, they were waking up earlier and earlier because they knew that I would be there in that time with them: no distractions. And that's what I needed a reminder of - I needed to remember that now, as a Father, the things that are the most important are experiencing the moments that I have with these boys. Bingeing on these experiences is a two way street and they get just as much out of being around me as I get from being around them.